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Words, Pictures and Life Balance

It has been such an unproductive couple of months for me with regards to writing and catching up with stuff, but I have been trying to get through it, which is easier said than done, there have been a couple of days where I thought the mist had lifted a small window of clarity, but like a switch it went back to not being able get cohesive thoughts from my head to the laptop screen. Got to persevere though, it will I hope click back into place as easily as it stopped. (Yes seems like crazy talk as I’m writing this, but this is right off the cuff, not an analysis of an Album or Gig. That’s where the problems seem to be arriving).

After looking back on the quantity of reviews that I’ve actually submitted over the last 3 1/2 years it’s pretty hectic, over 4 per month and then pretty much a Live Gig review a month on top of that and an interview here and there. Add that to the Photography, a very busy full time job and a very young family and it’s just that bit too much. So a step back and lets try this again 😉

Going to post some photos from HRH Blues back in April as I try and finish off the words – wish me LUCK 😉

I may just need it …………………………………

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